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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Kingdom Of Loathing

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Game Name : Kingdom Of Loathing
System : PC - Windows
Date Added : 2008-02-14 05:32:47
Views : 27756

Strange Leaflet Codes
These codes can be entered in the strange leaflet. The code that works for you depends on the item located on the mantelpiece in the house, which differs in each playthrough.
plover (If the item is a 'Carved Driftwood Bird')Meat+Stats
plugh (If the item is a 'Ceramic Model Of A Small Brick Building'Meat+Stats
xyzzy (If the item is a 'Ceramic Model Of A Small White House'Meat+Stats
yoho (If the item is a 'Bottle With A Ship In It'Meat+Stats

Game Unlockables
The following can only be acquired after you acquire the three items that the Pretentious Artist has lost.
Unlockable:How to Unlock:
'42' tattooVisit the pretentious artist with the Terrycloth Tackle equipped
Accordion TattooComplete a softore ascension as a Accordion Thief
Axe TattooVisit the Pretentious Artist with the Knob Goblin Elite Guard Uniform equipped
Beer TattooVisit the Pretentious Artist with the Frat Boy Ensemble equipped
Black 'I' TattooComplete one hardcore ascension
Black 'II' TattooComplete two hardcore ascensions
Black 'III' TattooComplete three hardcore ascensions
Black 'IV' TattooComplete four hardcore ascensions
Black 'IX' TattooComplete nine hardcore ascensions
Black 'V' TattooComplete five hardcore ascensions
Black 'VI' TattooComplete six hardcore ascensions
Black 'VII' TattooComplete seven hardcore ascensions
Black 'VIII' TattooComplete eight hardcore ascensions
Black 'X' TattooComplete ten hardcore ascensions
Black 'XI' TattooComplete eleven hardcore ascensions
Black 'XI+' TattooComplete twelve hardcore ascensions
Black Helmet TattooVisit the Pretentious Artist with the Black Armaments equipped
Broken Bottle TattooVisit the Pretentious Artist with the Frat Warrior Fatigues equipped
Bugbear TattooVisit the Pretentious Artist with the Bugbear Costume equipped
Cloaca-Cola TattooVisit the Pretentious Artist with the Cloaca-Cola Uniform equipped
Clock TattooVisit the Pretentious Artist with the Time Trappings equipped
Clockwork TattooVisit the Pretentious Artist with the Clockwork Apparatus equipped
Clown TattooVisit the Pretentious Artist with the Terrifying Clown Suit equipped
Crimbo Pineapple TattooVisit the Pretentious Artist with the Tropical Crimbo Duds equipped
Disco Ball TattooComplete a softore ascension as a Disco Bandit
Duct tape tattooVisit the pretentious artist with the Tapered Threads equipped
Dyspepsi TattooVisit the Pretentious Artist with the Dyspepsi-Cola Uniform equipped
Egg TattooVisit the Pretentious Artist with the Grass Guise equipped.
Elbereth TattooVisit the Pretentious Artist with the Yendorian Finery equipped
Fourty Two TattooVisit the Pretentious Artist with the Terrycloth Tackle equipped
Gnauga TattooVisit the Pretentious Artist with the Gnauga Tattoo equipped
Heart TattooVisit the Pretentious Artist with the Knob Goblin Harem Girl Disguise equipped
Helmet TattooVisit the Pretentious Artist with the Antique Arms And Armor equipped
Jellyfish TattooVisit the Pretentious Artist with the Encephalic Ensemble equipped
Light TattooVisit the Pretentious Artist with the Bow Tux equipped
Log TattooComplete a softore ascension as a Seal Clubber
Loser TattooVisit the Pretentious Artist with the Furry Suit equipped
Maple Leaf TattooVisit the Pretentious Artist with the OK Lumberjack Outfit equipped
Martini TattooAcquired randomly when drinking Martinis
Meat stack tattooVisit the pretentious artist with the Bounty-hunting Rig equipped
Ninja TattooVisit the Pretentious Artist with the Hot And Cold Ninja Running Suit equipped
No Beer TattooComplete a hardcore teetotaler ascension
No Pasta TattooComplete a hardcore boozetafarian ascension
Palette TattooFind The Pretentious Artists 3 Items
Palm Leaves TattooVisit the pretentious artist with the Palmist Paraphernalia equipped
Pasta Spoon TattooComplete a softore ascension as a Pastamancer
Peace TattooVisit the Pretentious Artist with the Filthy Hippy Disguise equipped
Pickaxe And Shovel TattooVisit the Pretentious Artist with the Mining Gear equipped
Pirate TattooVisit the Pretentious Artist with the Swashbuckling Getup equipped
Pixel TattooVisit the Pretentious Artist with the 8-Bit Finery equipped
Present TattooVisit the Pretentious Artist with the Crimbo Duds equipped
Radio TattooVisit the Pretentious Artist with the Radio Free Regalia equipped
Recycling TattooVisit the Pretentious Artist with the Glad Bag Glad Rags outfit equipped
Saucepan TattooComplete a softore ascension as a Sauceror
Scientific Oxygen Diagram TattooComplete a hardcore oxygenaerian ascension
Snowflake TattooVisit the Pretentious Artist with the eXtreme Cold-Weather Gear equipped
Sparkling Accordion TattooComplete a hardcore ascension as an Accordion Thief
Sparkling Disco Ball TattooComplete a hardcore ascension as a Disco Bandit
Sparkling Log TattooComplete a hardcore ascension as a Seal Clubber
Sparkling Pasta Spoon TattooComplete a hardcore ascension as a Pastamancer
Sparkling Saucepan TattooComplete a hardcore ascension as a Sauceror
Sparkling Turtle TattooComplete a hardcore ascension as a Turtle Tamer
Star TattooVisit the Pretentious Artist with the Star Garb equipped
Super Sparkling Accordion TattooComplete a hardcore oxygenarian ascension as an Accordion Thief
Super Sparkling Disco Ball TattooComplete a hardcore oxygenarian ascension as a Disco Bandit
Super Sparkling Log TattooComplete a hardcore oxygenarian ascension as a Seal Clubber
Super Sparkling Pasta Spoon TattooComplete a hardcore oxygenarian ascension as a Pastamancer
Super Sparkling Saucepan TattooComplete a hardcore oxygenarian ascension as a Sauceror
Super Sparkling Turtle TattooComplete a hardcore oxygenarian ascension as a Turtle Tamer
Turtle TattooComplete a softore ascension as a Turtle Tamer
WAR TattooVisit the Pretentious Artist with the War Hipppy Fatigues equipped
White 'I' TattooComplete one softcore ascension
White 'II' TattooComplete two softcore ascension
White 'III' TattooComplete three softcore ascension
White 'IV' TattooComplete four softcore ascension
White 'IX' TattooComplete nine softcore ascension
White 'V' TattooComplete five softcore ascension
White 'VI' TattooComplete six softcore ascension
White 'VII' TattooComplete seven softcore ascension
White 'VIII' TattooComplete eight softcore ascension
White 'X' TattooComplete ten softcore ascension
White 'XI' TattooComplete eleven softcore ascension
White 'XI+' TattooComplete twelve softcore ascension
Wreath TatooVisit the Pretentious Artist with the Arboreal Raiment equipped

Boss Items
You recieve the following items by beating the boss with The Super-Secret Canadian Mind-Control Device (MCD) set to the right setting.
Unlockable:How to Unlock:
Baron Von Ratsworth's money clipBeat Baron Von Ratsworth with the MCD set to 2.
Baron Von Ratsworth's tophatBeat Baron Von Ratsworth with the MCD set to 9.
Boss Bat blingBeat the Boss Bat with the MCD set to 8.
Boss Bat britchesBeat the Boss Bat with the MCD set to 4.
Cape of the Goblin KingBeat The Knob Goblin King with the MCD set to 7.
Glass Balls of the Goblin KingBeat The Knob Goblin King with the MCD set to 3.
Rib of the BonerdagonBeat The Bonerdagon with the MCD set to 5.
Vertebra of the BonerdagonBeat The Bonerdagon with the MCD set to 10.

Unlockable Trophies...
Unlockable:How to Unlock:
100 pound loadget familiar total weight 100
300 pound loadget familiar total weight 300
99 Red BalloonsMultiuse 99 red balloons all at the same time
Amateur Tour GuideHave 10 Different 90-100% Favourite Familiars In Your Ascension History
Best Meal of My LifeEat 60 White Citadel burgers, 10 White Citadel Fries, and drink 4 Cherry and Diet Cloaca Colas
big boattake 1000 shore trips
Big BossBeat boss bat, goblin king, and bonerdagon at level 11 canadia setting
black hole terrariumget familiar total weight 500
bouquet of Hippieseat 420 herb brownies
Brass Bowling Trophy TrophyGet the trophy in the Strange Leaflet quest
Brave Sir Robinrun away from 100 battles
Bringer of Stormsuse 100 chaos butterflies
clockwork trophyfind 10 clockwork keys in one ascension
Cool CustomerHave Coldform And At Least 100 Bonus Cold Damage/Spell Damage
Crossroadsuse 50 scrolls of ancient forbidden unspeakable evil
Der ToastiebGet toast from a PVP fight
Disgusting CocktailDrink 5 tomato daiquiris
Dreadul, Just DreadfulHave Spookyform And At Least 100 Bonus Spooky Damage/Spell Damage
Duke of DiscoAchieve level 30 as a Disco Bandit
Easy come, Easy godiscard 1 pretty flower
Eerily Skilledmake all 6 Spookyraven Manor skills permanent
ExtinctionistKill all Dungeons of Doom monsters 120 times
failure to communicateeat 50 lucky surprise eggs
Festive DismembermentAcquire the Missing Fingers effect by using a Knob Goblin firecracker on July 4th
Friend of ElvesDefeat 10 Reindeer in the Crimbo Town Factory
Friend of the DevilsSummon any combination of 30 demons in the Summoning Chamber
Gadget InspectorObtain 10 clockwork keys from the Thugnderdome
Gender BenderGet 30 sex changes in the Sleazy Back Alley
Golden Meat StackAccumulate 1,000,000 meat in Hardcore
golden yetispend 100 turns protesting yeti slaughter
Gourdcoreget all gourd potions in one hardcore ascension
Hothouse HeroHave Hotform And At Least 100 Bonus Hot Damage/Spell Damage
I Heart CanadiaDrink 30 white canadians
I Love a ParadeUse 11 handfuls of confetti at once
Jack of Several Tradeget all gnome skills permanently
Let my bugbears govisit the Bugbear Pens in a bugbear outfit after freeing them from the Spooky Gravy Fairies and get the One Day in the Life adventure
little boattake 100 shore trips
Little ChickadeeGet 1000 drunkeness
Maestro of MariachiAchieve level 30 as an Accordion Thief
MalodorousHave Stenchorm And At Least 100 Bonus Stench Damage/Spell Damage
PalindrophyGet a pagoda
Pantsless!Obtained by taking off your pants, in game, at the crossover from 2005-2006
Phileas FoggyDrink 80 around the worlds
Platinum SkullEat 5 spaghetti with skullheads
Potentate of PastaAchieve level 30 as a Pastamancer
Professional Tour GuideHave 30 Different 90-100% Favourite Familiars In Your Ascension History
Reindeer HunterDefeat 100 Reindeer in the Crimbo Town Factory
Sauciest SaucierAchieve level 30 as a Sauceror
Scourge of SealsAchieve level 30 as a Seal Clubber
silver yetispend 10 turns protesting yeti slaughter
Slapstick TrophyDiscard and slip on 3 separate banana peels
Slice and DiceAscend with a 20 pound Stab Bat
The Butler Did ItUse the Manual of Labor/Transmission/Dexterity 30 times
The Ghuol CupEat 11 ghuol guolashes
The Three AmigosDonate 1,000,000 meat to each of the three statues in The Hall of the Legends of the Times of Old
This Lousy TrophyBe around when ascension started
three-tiered trophyconsume a three-tiered wedding cake
tiny plastic trophyhave all 32 tiny plastic items in you display case
trivially skilledpermanently get the original skills you start with.
Two-Tiered Tiny Plastic TrophyDisplay All 64 Tiny Plastic Series 2 Figurines In Your Display Case
Tzar of TurtlesAchieve level 30 as a Turtle Tamer
Weeping PizzaEat 5 white chocolate and tomato pizzas
Wink Wink Nudge NudgeHave Sleazeform And At Least 100 Bonus Sleazy Damage/Spell Damage
Your Log Saw Something That NightType Laura Palmer into the notes section of the quest log

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